Illegal road transport of people from Iasi International Airport

Illegal road transport in Iasi According to multiple complaints from citizens, illegal road transport of people is carried out from Iasi International Airport. People without a transport license, qualifications and authorizations are making flights to Chisinau (Republic of Moldova) in exchange of money. The price is 20 euros. All this is happening under the watchful [...]

2022-08-22T16:02:07+00:00March 22nd, 2022|Activity, Infrastructure, Justice, Press Release, Transport|0 Comments

SatCen – Satellites that can help us fight environmental crimes

Working visit to SatCen - Satellites that can help us in the fight against environmental crimes On October 29, 2021, a working visit to SatCen by MEP Vlad Gheorghe took place. He was greeted by Sorin Ducaru, Director of SatCen together with a team of specialized staff. They gave the deputy an overview of the [...]

Letter to Commissioner Simson and Commissioner Timmermans on the state of energy emergency in Timisoara

State of energy emergency in Timișoara   To the attention of: Ms Kadri Simson, EU Commissioner for Energy Mr Frans Timmermans, Commissioner for the European Green Deal   Brussels, 27 October 2021   Dear Commissioner Simson, Dear Commissioner Timmermans,   I am reaching out to you regarding the alarming situation in Timișoara city in Romania, [...]

[video] EU parking safety resolution for truck drivers

EU parking safety resolution for truck drivers gets in the European Parliament. The initiative started from the case of the Romanian truck driver killed in France. The motion for a resolution on the safety of truck parks in the EU was voted on at a meeting of the European Parliament's Committee on Petitions (PETI) today. [...]

[video] Road safety and decent prices at RCA

Strasbourg: Insurance of motor vehicles (debate) - Renew Vlad Gheorghe's European Parliament speech (21.10.2021). We have many bold goals by 2050. Among them, zero carbon emissions and zero car victims. Safety on European roads and reducing pollution depend on a set of measures meant to bring us closer to these targets. They directly concern the [...]

2021-10-21T15:33:46+00:00October 21st, 2021|Activity, Economy, Infrastructure, Plenary Speech|0 Comments

The interpellations sent by MEP Vlad Gheorghe

How do we make sure that the Romanian State does its job. Politicians need to be part of the solution to the problems that citizens face - whether we are talking about justice, the environment or financing the development of local communities. Moreover, within the limits of their legal powers, they have a duty to [...]

[video] Transport and Tourism: key areas for the EU economy

Decent working and employment conditions in the aviation sector - Effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the aviation sector (debate) - Transport and Tourism - Key Areas for the EU Economy. Transport and tourism are key areas for the European Union's economy. The aviation sector makes a major contribution to the recovery of business in [...]

[video] Debate on the just transition fund

Just Transition Fund (debate) -  Renew Vlad Gheorghe’s European Parliament speech on the proper implementation of the JTF resources (17.05.2021). I am glad we achieved a common position on Just Transition Fund (JTF). At the same time, many would agree that the restriction on natural gas investments does not reflect the Parliament position. It was [...]

European Money: romania’s chance for development

European Parliament adopted the InvestEU Programme, the one that supports strategic and innovator investments and guarantees access to finance. InvestEU is going to help companies from EU Member States that want to invest in different fields. The programme aims to simplify the access to funds throw the European Bank for Investments. InvestEU aims to generate [...]

2021-10-15T09:03:16+00:00March 15th, 2021|Activity, Economy, Infrastructure, Romania in EU|0 Comments