Hell on earth – Romanians going to Kyiv, Bucha, Irpin
Hell on earth - Romanians going to Kyiv, Bucha, Irpin Romanians have been able to see footage from the Ukrainian war zones. These were filmed by USR MEP Vlad Gheorghe [...]
Hell on earth - Romanians going to Kyiv, Bucha, Irpin Romanians have been able to see footage from the Ukrainian war zones. These were filmed by USR MEP Vlad Gheorghe [...]
Illegal road transport in Iasi According to multiple complaints from citizens, illegal road transport of people is carried out from Iasi International Airport. People without a transport license, qualifications and authorizations are making flights to Chisinau (Republic of Moldova) in exchange of money. The price is 20 euros. All this is happening under the watchful [...]
Freedom of speech must be firmly protected by the European Union On January 2, a series of protests erupted in Kazakhstan as a result of a sharp rise in gas prices, but also due to a long-term deterioration in living standards in a country that, although is rich in gas and crude oil, poverty and [...]
Serious allegations have been made against the Chinese tire company Linglong Tire in northern Serbia. The issue was the working conditions of 500 Vietnamese workers. Large-scale environmental protests have also been reported in Serbia recently. These appeared in the context of the hasty adoption of two laws. These are the law on referendums and popular [...]
Corruption - the main reason for Romanians leaving A recent survey shows that 86% of Romanians see corruption as the main reason for leaving the country. Similarly, 91% Romanians believe that corruption is the reason why Romania doesn't have new hospitals and highways. 87% believe that our country is not accessing more European funds also [...]
COMOROVA Forest - Constanţa County is removed from the forest regime by a decision of the Mangalia Local Council and then alienated and deforested. In order to understand how all this happened and if anything can be saved, I sent a series of interpellations to the responsible authorities. The information and answers received are detailed [...]
Brussels: Report on strengthening democracy media freedom and pluralism in the EU: improper use of actions under civil and criminal law to silence journalists, NGOs and civil society - Speech by MEP Renew Vlad Gheorghe (2021.11.11) I support this report - a community of European values cannot exist without access to information and free expression. [...]
European Parliament study on illegal logging in Romania: attacks on environmental activists must be stopped, Green Prosecutor - recommended At the request of USR MEP Vlad Gheorghe, the European Parliament has carried out a study on illegal logging in Romania. Presented to the Petitions Committee today, the study is over 130 pages long. It analyses [...]
Brussels: Committee on Petitions - EP study on illegal deforestation in Romania - Renew Vlad Gheorghe's European Parliament speech (09.11.2021). I thank the Committee and Dr. Kindji for this study which confirms the harmful effects of illegal logging. Illegal logging is not just an environmental crime, but simply a crime. It destroys habitat and biodiversity. [...]
Brussels: Committee on Petitions - Petition no. 1056/2021 of Daniel Bodnar on the protection of whistleblowers and journalists reporting forestry crimes in Romania (in the presence of the petitioner via remote connection) - Renew Vlad Gheorghe MEP (08.11.2021). Thank you for accepting my request for an urgency procedure on the petition on violence against journalists, [...]