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So far ruxandra has created 73 blog entries.

[video] Farmers and agricultural workers deserve respect!

Farmers and agricultural workers deserve respect! European farmers face extremely difficult circumstances that are beyond their power to resolve. At the same time, they are the ones we rely on to provide food for EU citizens. We risk losing them, many have already closed their doors. The European Union must take concrete and immediate action [...]

2022-02-18T16:38:30+00:00February 18th, 2022|Activity, European Parliament, Plenary Speech|0 Comments

[video] We no longer tolerate governments that do not build hospitals!

We no longer tolerate governments that do not build hospitals! Cancer continues to take its toll, while medical system solutions in many EU countries leave much to be desired. Too few concrete steps have been taken to make a difference in the lives of patients and their families. The European Union must become a global [...]

2022-02-17T10:28:49+00:00February 17th, 2022|Activity, BECA, European Parliament, Health, Plenary Speech|0 Comments

[video] EU parking safety resolution for truck drivers

EU parking safety resolution for truck drivers gets in the European Parliament. The initiative started from the case of the Romanian truck driver killed in France. The motion for a resolution on the safety of truck parks in the EU was voted on at a meeting of the European Parliament's Committee on Petitions (PETI) today. [...]

[video] EU transparency for vaccine procurement contracts

EU transparency for vaccine procurement contracts. Strasbourg: EU transparency regarding the development, purchase and distribution of vaccines against COVID-19 (debate) - Renew Vlad Gheorghe's European Parliament speech (16.09.2021). Trust is gained through transparency Mr President, more than 18 months after the onset of the pandemic, we are facing new strains of the virus. In all [...]

2021-10-19T16:31:20+00:00September 16th, 2021|Activity, Justice, Pandemic, Plenary Speech|0 Comments

Renew Europe calls for a European Green Prosecutor

Renew Europe calls for a European Green Prosecutor in the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) headed by Laura Codruța Kövesi. Its role will be to combat environmental crime in all Member States. The Renew Europe Group supports the initiative of the USRPLUS MEPs and calls for the establishment of a European Green Prosecutor. At the [...]

[video] Transport and Tourism: key areas for the EU economy

Decent working and employment conditions in the aviation sector - Effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the aviation sector (debate) - Transport and Tourism - Key Areas for the EU Economy. Transport and tourism are key areas for the European Union's economy. The aviation sector makes a major contribution to the recovery of business in [...]

Moldova’s future is in the European Union

Republic of Moldova and the European Union Because he thinks Moldova's future is in the European Union, MEP Vlad Gheorghe went today, 26.06.2021, across the Prut river for an open dialogue with teachers from three schools on the possible partnership between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union, combating fake news and giving children [...]

2021-09-10T12:50:11+00:00July 5th, 2021|Activity, International relations|0 Comments

[video] Debate on Parliament’s right of inquiry

Parliament's right of inquiry (debate) -  Renew Vlad Gheorghe’s European Parliament speech on Parliament's right of inquiry (08.06.2021). European citizens elect European parliamentarians. European citizens give us the task of representing them and oblige us to exercise our mandate in good faith, serving their interests. European citizens invest the European Parliament with their trust and [...]

2021-10-16T08:35:20+00:00June 8th, 2021|Activity, Plenary Speech|0 Comments

[video] Environmental protection through an unitary mechanism

Environment: The Aarhus Regulation (debate) -  Renew Vlad Gheorghe’s European Parliament speech on environmental protection through an unitary mechanism (19.05.2021). I welcome the revision of Aarhus regulation. I welcome it because to me, nature protection is a matter of justice. It’s a matter of the rule of law. And a matter of responsibility in front [...]

[video] Debate on the just transition fund

Just Transition Fund (debate) -  Renew Vlad Gheorghe’s European Parliament speech on the proper implementation of the JTF resources (17.05.2021). I am glad we achieved a common position on Just Transition Fund (JTF). At the same time, many would agree that the restriction on natural gas investments does not reflect the Parliament position. It was [...]