EU green light for Romania and Bulgaria in Schengen

European Parliament says ''YES'' for the 6th time to Romania's  Schengen membership The vote in the European Parliament plenary on 18 October says it all: The EU wants Romania and Bulgaria to join the Schengen area! The European Parliament has adopted a Resolution on the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen area. It [...]

Strasbourg is calling – Plenary Week

Strasbourg is calling! - Plenary Week What would you do if you broke your leg? Well, it depends. MEP Gheorghe could not allow himself to miss the most important week in the European Parliament: the plenary and. Even more so in these troubled times, when the near future of the EU will be pointed out [...]

2022-10-21T14:56:55+00:00September 16th, 2022|Activity, Environment, European Parliament, Rule of Law|0 Comments

[video] Reconstruction of Ukraine financed by sanctions on Russia

The reconstruction of Ukraine, financed by sanctions on Russia, would be a minimal act of reparation for the crimes and atrocities committed by Russian soldiers against Ukrainian civilians. The budget for 2023 is being discussed in the Parliament of the European Union. MEP Vlad Gheorghe brought up the subject of the war in Ukraine and [...]

2022-04-07T11:14:14+00:00April 5th, 2022|Activity, BUDG, European Parliament, Plenary Speech|0 Comments

Environmental crimes contribute to armed conflicts

Environmental crimes contribute to armed conflicts Recent Interpol data estimates that illegal exploitation of natural resources, be it poaching, logging or mining, finances 38% of international armed conflicts. Furthermore, waste trafficking and wildlife crimes are identified by Europol as among the most significant threats to the security of the European Union, which loses up to [...]

European Parliament: Fund for the Reconstruction of Ukraine

Human casualties, but also material damage and economic consequences Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine has killed not only the military and civilians but also caused an unprecedented wave of property damage. The economic and infrastructure consequences in the neighboring country will worsen as the attack by Russian troops intensifies. Reconstruction Fund for Ukraine USR MEP [...]

2022-03-09T12:10:18+00:00March 7th, 2022|Activity, European Parliament, Press Release|0 Comments

[video] Farmers and agricultural workers deserve respect!

Farmers and agricultural workers deserve respect! European farmers face extremely difficult circumstances that are beyond their power to resolve. At the same time, they are the ones we rely on to provide food for EU citizens. We risk losing them, many have already closed their doors. The European Union must take concrete and immediate action [...]

2022-02-18T16:38:30+00:00February 18th, 2022|Activity, European Parliament, Plenary Speech|0 Comments

[video] We no longer tolerate governments that do not build hospitals!

We no longer tolerate governments that do not build hospitals! Cancer continues to take its toll, while medical system solutions in many EU countries leave much to be desired. Too few concrete steps have been taken to make a difference in the lives of patients and their families. The European Union must become a global [...]

2022-02-17T10:28:49+00:00February 17th, 2022|Activity, BECA, European Parliament, Health, Plenary Speech|0 Comments

[video] Freedom of speech must be firmly protected

Freedom of speech must be firmly protected by the European Union On January 2, a series of protests erupted in Kazakhstan as a result of a sharp rise in gas prices, but also due to a long-term deterioration in living standards in a country that, although is rich in gas and crude oil, poverty and [...]

One year in the European Parliament – Activity report

Priorities: rule of law, illegal logging, safety of lorry drivers Last year, citizens attracted the support of MEPs on two important topics for Romania. One of them was safety of lorry drivers in EU car parks. The other was illegal logging, including the protection of whistleblowers, journalists and environmental activists who are victims of constant [...]

[video] No wild animals at the circus

Strasbourg: An EU ban on the use of wild animals in circuses (debate) - Speech by MEP Renew Vlad Gheorghe (16.12.2021) The European Union cannot be credible as a leader in environmental protection without giving wildlife a dignified existence. Who would believe we're fighting for the rights of the vulnerable if we do not stand [...]

2022-01-21T16:52:02+00:00December 16th, 2021|Activity, Environment, European Parliament, Plenary Speech|0 Comments