Committee on Budgets in the European Parliament.

[video] Reconstruction of Ukraine financed by sanctions on Russia

The reconstruction of Ukraine, financed by sanctions on Russia, would be a minimal act of reparation for the crimes and atrocities committed by Russian soldiers against Ukrainian civilians. The budget for 2023 is being discussed in the Parliament of the European Union. MEP Vlad Gheorghe brought up the subject of the war in Ukraine and [...]

2022-04-07T11:14:14+00:00April 5th, 2022|Activity, BUDG, European Parliament, Plenary Speech|0 Comments

Environmental crimes contribute to armed conflicts

Environmental crimes contribute to armed conflicts Recent Interpol data estimates that illegal exploitation of natural resources, be it poaching, logging or mining, finances 38% of international armed conflicts. Furthermore, waste trafficking and wildlife crimes are identified by Europol as among the most significant threats to the security of the European Union, which loses up to [...]