Strasbourg is calling – Plenary Week

Strasbourg is calling! - Plenary Week What would you do if you broke your leg? Well, it depends. MEP Gheorghe could not allow himself to miss the most important week in the European Parliament: the plenary and. Even more so in these troubled times, when the near future of the EU will be pointed out [...]

2022-10-21T14:56:55+00:00September 16th, 2022|Activity, Environment, European Parliament, Rule of Law|0 Comments

Romanian victory in the European Parliament for the European Green Prosecutor

Romanian victory in the European Parliament: overwhelming vote against illegal logging. There is a clear demand for the European Green Prosecutor With 317 votes in favour, 248 against and 20 abstentions, MEPs today adopted the toughest text in years on illegal logging. The amendment tabled by USR MEP Vlad Gheorghe setting a European Green Prosecutor [...]

Environmental crimes contribute to armed conflicts

Environmental crimes contribute to armed conflicts Recent Interpol data estimates that illegal exploitation of natural resources, be it poaching, logging or mining, finances 38% of international armed conflicts. Furthermore, waste trafficking and wildlife crimes are identified by Europol as among the most significant threats to the security of the European Union, which loses up to [...]

Abuse of service – Caraș-Severin Forestry Directorate

Abuse of service and Embezzlement in Romania's agency for Forestry USR MEP Vlad Gheorghe has filed a complaint today at the National Anticorruption Directorate against Romsilva - Caras-Severin Forestry Directorate represented by director Ion Tabugan and Nera Forestry represented by chief Andronache Marcel for committing several corruption offences under the Criminal Code in conjunction [...]

2022-09-21T15:33:53+00:00January 28th, 2022|Activity, Corruption, Environment, Press Release|0 Comments

Romania risks losing billions in EU funds for environment

Romania risks losing billions in EU funds for environment USR MEP Vlad Gheorghe warns that Romania could lose significant amounts of EU funds available for the environment between 2023 and 2027. In short, in the proposal for Payments for Forest-Environment and Climate Commitments in the CAP National Strategic Plan 2023-2027 the government has allocated [...]

2022-09-19T08:27:34+00:00January 26th, 2022|Activity, Environment, Press Release|0 Comments

One year in the European Parliament – Activity report

Priorities: rule of law, illegal logging, safety of lorry drivers Last year, citizens attracted the support of MEPs on two important topics for Romania. One of them was safety of lorry drivers in EU car parks. The other was illegal logging, including the protection of whistleblowers, journalists and environmental activists who are victims of constant [...]

[video] No wild animals at the circus

Strasbourg: An EU ban on the use of wild animals in circuses (debate) - Speech by MEP Renew Vlad Gheorghe (16.12.2021) The European Union cannot be credible as a leader in environmental protection without giving wildlife a dignified existence. Who would believe we're fighting for the rights of the vulnerable if we do not stand [...]

2022-01-21T16:52:02+00:00December 16th, 2021|Activity, Environment, European Parliament, Plenary Speech|0 Comments

Corruption – the main reason for Romanians leaving the country

Corruption - the main reason for Romanians leaving A recent survey shows that 86% of Romanians see corruption as the main reason for leaving the country.  Similarly, 91% Romanians believe that corruption is the reason why Romania doesn't have new hospitals and highways. 87% believe that our country is not accessing more European funds also [...]

Interpellations Authorities: Comorova Forest

COMOROVA Forest - Constanţa County is removed from the forest regime by a decision of the Mangalia Local Council and then alienated and deforested. In order to understand how all this happened and if anything can be saved, I sent a series of interpellations to the responsible authorities. The information and answers received are detailed [...]

Romanians lose 8 months of their life due to pollution

Romanians lose an average of 8 months of their life due to pollution. This is what the European Parliament recommends. Romanians are more affected by pollution than other European citizens - a recent study shows that a Romanian loses about 8 months of life due to pollution, compared to 5-7 months on average in other [...]

2022-08-26T15:29:52+00:00November 18th, 2021|Activity, Environment, Health, Press Release, TRAN|0 Comments