EU green light for Romania and Bulgaria in Schengen

European Parliament says ''YES'' for the 6th time to Romania's  Schengen membership The vote in the European Parliament plenary on 18 October says it all: The EU wants Romania and Bulgaria to join the Schengen area! The European Parliament has adopted a Resolution on the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen area. It [...]

Illegal road transport of people from Iasi International Airport

Illegal road transport in Iasi According to multiple complaints from citizens, illegal road transport of people is carried out from Iasi International Airport. People without a transport license, qualifications and authorizations are making flights to Chisinau (Republic of Moldova) in exchange of money. The price is 20 euros. All this is happening under the watchful [...]

2022-08-22T16:02:07+00:00March 22nd, 2022|Activity, Infrastructure, Justice, Press Release, Transport|0 Comments

The interpellations sent by MEP Vlad Gheorghe

How do we make sure that the Romanian State does its job. Politicians need to be part of the solution to the problems that citizens face - whether we are talking about justice, the environment or financing the development of local communities. Moreover, within the limits of their legal powers, they have a duty to [...]

Romanian drivers invited to speak in the European Parliament

Truck drivers' problems in the European Parliament's Committee on Petitions Romanian truck drivers are  invited to speak in the European Parliament Petitions Committee in mid-July. The theme of the discussion will be the problems they face on the roads in the EU, as announced by USRPLUS MEP Vlad Gheorghe. He questioned the European Commission, the [...]

2022-09-06T15:20:47+00:00June 17th, 2021|Activity, Romania in EU, TRAN, Transport|0 Comments

Romanian lorry driver killed in a parking lot in France

Certified and safe parking USRPLUS MEP Vlad Gheorghe has questioned the European Commission, the French authorities and the Romanian Consulate about the case of the Romanian driver who was killed with a sword in a car park in France. With the adoption of the Mobility Package, the European Union committed itself to guarantee certified and [...]

2022-09-06T14:46:15+00:00May 18th, 2021|Activity, Media, Romania in EU, TRAN, Transport|0 Comments

Romanian initiative voted in the European Parliament

Romanian initiative voted in the European Parliament: registration of mileage with every PRI (Periodic Roadworthiness Inspection) and fraud punished in all Member States On 26 April, the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of the new REPORT on the implementation of the road safety aspects of the roadworthiness package with 654 votes in favour, 30 [...]