I am Vlad Gheorghe, Romanian Independent MEP, part of Renew Europe Group since November 2020.
In the European Parliament I am a member of the Committee on Budgets (BUDG), the Petitions Committee (PETI) and the Delegation to the EU-Serbia Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee (D-RS).
I am also an substitute member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN), the Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA) and the Delegation to the EU-Albania Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee (D-AL).
I hope that in the not-so-distant future, Romanians living abroad will be convinced of the changes for the better here in order to return to their families and friends. I also want Romanians who are still in the country not to give up their involvement – wherever and however they consider it necessary or useful for our country and our rights.
I have every confidence that we will be able to shape this country and this Europe in the image and likeness of common sense and a better future for us, our families and our friends.

I. Professional Experience
(legal expert . volunteer. activist. independent MEP)
I have been a legal expert for 10 years, specialized in law (European funds, administrative-fiscal, public procurement). I worked for NGOs and private companies that carried out projects with European funds (infrastructure, environment, human resources).
After “Colectiv” (2015), I decided to get involved civically and politically, being with USR since its establishment, part of the small team of lawyers who managed to build the first truly “new” party after ’89.
Since 2016 I have been a member of the USR legal team in the Romanian Parliament, being the (co) author of many of the emblematic projects for the USR activity in the Romanian Parliament.
Together with the legal parliamentarians, I opposed the PSD & ALDE amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Code in the Iordache and Nicolicea Commissions, including through unconstitutionality complaints won at CCR and I drafted legislative initiatives to stop theft such as Forest DNA.
In 2019, in the USR internal elections, I received the vote of confidence from my colleagues (5th place in the internal competition) to represent the citizens in the European Parliament.
Starting with 2024, I decided to become an independent MEP in order to protect and honor the 2016 USR principles based on which I decided to get involved in Politics.
II. Curriculum Vitae
“Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra” Bilingual High School, Bucharest (2000-2004)
Further education
B.A. Law – Faculty of Law, Romanian-American University Bucharest (2004-2008)
Master Tax Law – Faculty of Law, Bucharest University (2016-2017, no dissertation)
FIDIC Basic Certificate, Romanian Association of Consulting Engineers (2016)
Languages: Romanian, English, Spanish, Japanese
Marital details: Married, with children
Counselor, Chamber of Deputies, Romanian Parliament (2017-2020);
Legal Counselor, Romair Consulting SRL (2011-2017);
Legal Counselor, Romanian Association for Housing (2011);
Legal Counselor, ACER Consult SRL (2010-2011);
Legal Support, Center for Excellence for Sustainable Development | RO-CEDD (2010-2011).
Professional bodies
Member, Legal Counsellors College (since 2012)
Other organizations
Volunteer, Save Bucharest Association (2015-2016)

III. Personal Motivations
(law expert . citizen. father . husband . son)
For me, law is not just a profession. Justice, truth, judicial system are not just words that sound well in public speeches.
I strongly believe in the rule of law, in the defense of those who suffered injustice, and in the punishment of those who are guilty. A society where the law and the rights of others are broken without consequences is a society doomed to suffering and poverty.
We deserve more. We can do more. I was and still am convinced that the only solution for the country we want is the involvement of competent, persevering and honest people. In all these years I have met extraordinary people who have taught me to believe that change is not just a beautiful dream, but a tangible, possible reality.
USR and the USR-PLUS Alliance will continue to grow and strengthen. We are fighting a hard fight in Romania every day and it will take longer until we succeed in reforming the state institutions and changing the politicians.
Part of our political future is also a strong, visible, credible presence in the European Parliament. I make all the efforts every day to fulfill this goal and I will continue to be involved and present in the country as well as in the European institutions.
IV. The European vision
(Romania’s future is in a strong European Union, united by common values)
I intend to use my skills to change, together with my colleagues from USR-PLUS who have already started their term in 2019, the perception and weak position of Romanian politicians in the European Parliament so far.
Belonging to the European family is the only viable direction towards a functioning rule of law, with independent institutions and respect for individual rights and freedoms.
Moreover, we all deserve competent negotiators to successfully defend our interests within the European Union.
The European Parliament is the place where the balance of power and values of EU countries is negotiated. Just as Romanian entrepreneurs, programmers, doctors or engineers are competitive with their counterparts in these states, so must politicians rise to the level of the citizens they represent.
As long as corruption and incompetence control Romania’s institutions and budgets, and the MEPs positions remain to those who are incompetent, obedient to the parties they have been blindly serving for 30 years, we will not be able to really negotiate in favor of Romanians.
The European Union is probably in the most difficult period of relations between the Member States since its inception today. From the impact of the pandemic, bureaucratic inertia, national interests, extremist movements, Brexit and to blatant hesitation and hypocrisy – all this grinds the credibility and impact of EU action.
I will be, together with my colleagues from Renew Europe, the ally of common sense, reason, competence and political responsibility in the European Parliament.