European Commission’s proposal to have an vaccination certificate will be supporting tourism.  European certificate (The Digital Green Certificate) to attest vaccination, PCR test or natural development of antibodies against COVID-19 will facilitate safe free movement inside the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the point of view presented by the MEP Vlad Gheorghe and his colleagues from USRPLUS delegation.

The free movement is one of the European Union value and a fundamental right of European citizens. This way, they will be able to move without restrictions in European Union. USRPLUS supports the Commission’s proposal. It avoids the creation of two categories of Europeans, vaccinated and unvaccinated. This gives citizens the opportunity to choose how they certify that they are not infected with the SARS-VOC-2 virus.

Vaccination Certificate: Supporting Tourism

USR-PLUS supports the European Commission proposal because this way we can avoid having two types of Europeans, vaccinated and  unvaccinated. In the same time it gives citizens possibility to choose the way of showing they are not infected.

“The pandemic has affected our freedom of movement. After a disastrous year for European tourism, we have the chance to return to a holiday as close to normal.

The certificate is NOT mandatory and does NOT refer only to vaccination.  Could be also about a negative test or proof of passing through the disease. It will serve to ensure that a person has been vaccinated, received  negative test or has already had the virus.

It does NOT prevent any European citizen from traveling – in the absence of the Certificate, we respect the rules of the destination countries regarding the fight against coronavirus.

The Digital Green Certificate does not restrict rights, but GUARANTEES that both we and those around us are safe, healthy, calm “, explains the MEP Vlad Gheorghe.

The European Commission’s proposal will have to be discussed and approved by the European Parliament and the Member States. They will also prepare the logistical implementation of the issuance and verification of certificates. The Commission is also preparing by summer the digital infrastructure that will certify the authenticity of documents issued in all Member States.