Abuse of service – Caraș-Severin Forestry Directorate

Abuse of service and Embezzlement in Romania's agency for Forestry USR MEP Vlad Gheorghe has filed a complaint today at the National Anticorruption Directorate against Romsilva - Caras-Severin Forestry Directorate represented by director Ion Tabugan and Nera Forestry represented by chief Andronache Marcel for committing several corruption offences under the Criminal Code in conjunction [...]

2022-09-21T15:33:53+00:00January 28th, 2022|Activity, Corruption, Environment, Press Release|0 Comments

Romania risks losing billions in EU funds for environment

Romania risks losing billions in EU funds for environment USR MEP Vlad Gheorghe warns that Romania could lose significant amounts of EU funds available for the environment between 2023 and 2027. In short, in the proposal for Payments for Forest-Environment and Climate Commitments in the CAP National Strategic Plan 2023-2027 the government has allocated [...]

2022-09-19T08:27:34+00:00January 26th, 2022|Activity, Environment, Press Release|0 Comments

[video] European values must be defended

Serious allegations have been made against the Chinese tire company Linglong Tire in northern Serbia. The issue was the working conditions of 500 Vietnamese workers. Large-scale environmental protests have also been reported in Serbia recently. These appeared in the context of the hasty adoption of two laws. These are the law on referendums and popular [...]

Corruption – the main reason for Romanians leaving the country

Corruption - the main reason for Romanians leaving A recent survey shows that 86% of Romanians see corruption as the main reason for leaving the country.  Similarly, 91% Romanians believe that corruption is the reason why Romania doesn't have new hospitals and highways. 87% believe that our country is not accessing more European funds also [...]

[video] Strengthening democracy media freedom and pluralism in the EU

Brussels: Report on strengthening democracy media freedom and pluralism in the EU: improper use of actions under civil and criminal law to silence journalists, NGOs and civil society - Speech by MEP Renew Vlad Gheorghe (2021.11.11) I support this report - a community of European values ​​cannot exist without access to information and free expression. [...]

European Parliament study on illegal logging in Romania

European Parliament study on illegal logging in Romania: attacks on environmental activists must be stopped, Green Prosecutor - recommended At the request of USR MEP Vlad Gheorghe, the European Parliament has carried out a study on illegal logging in Romania. Presented to the Petitions Committee today, the study is over 130 pages long. It analyses [...]

[video] Illegal logging in Romania takes lives

Brussels: Committee on Petitions - EP study on illegal deforestation in Romania - Renew Vlad Gheorghe's European Parliament speech (09.11.2021). I thank the Committee and Dr. Kindji for this study which confirms the harmful effects of illegal logging. Illegal logging is not just an environmental crime, but simply a crime. It destroys habitat and biodiversity. [...]

[video] We demand the protection of activists, journalists and honest foresters

Brussels: Committee on Petitions - Petition no. 1056/2021 of Daniel Bodnar on the protection of whistleblowers and journalists reporting forestry crimes in Romania (in the presence of the petitioner via remote connection) - Renew Vlad Gheorghe MEP (08.11.2021). Thank you for accepting my request for an urgency procedure on the petition on violence against journalists, [...]

[video] Corruption erodes the trust of citizens

Pandora Papers is a series of 12 million documents that reveal the operation of a hidden financial reality, marked by huge fortunes, tax evasion and, in some cases, money laundering, the deeds being committed by some of the strongest and richest people of the world. More than 600 journalists from 117 countries analyzed the documents [...]

2021-10-19T19:11:19+00:00October 6th, 2021|Activity, Corruption, Justice, Plenary Speech|0 Comments

[video] EU transparency for vaccine procurement contracts

EU transparency for vaccine procurement contracts. Strasbourg: EU transparency regarding the development, purchase and distribution of vaccines against COVID-19 (debate) - Renew Vlad Gheorghe's European Parliament speech (16.09.2021). Trust is gained through transparency Mr President, more than 18 months after the onset of the pandemic, we are facing new strains of the virus. In all [...]

2021-10-19T16:31:20+00:00September 16th, 2021|Activity, Justice, Pandemic, Plenary Speech|0 Comments