One year in the European Parliament – Activity report

Priorities: rule of law, illegal logging, safety of lorry drivers Last year, citizens attracted the support of MEPs on two important topics for Romania. One of them was safety of lorry drivers in EU car parks. The other was illegal logging, including the protection of whistleblowers, journalists and environmental activists who are victims of constant [...]

The interpellations sent by MEP Vlad Gheorghe

How do we make sure that the Romanian State does its job. Politicians need to be part of the solution to the problems that citizens face - whether we are talking about justice, the environment or financing the development of local communities. Moreover, within the limits of their legal powers, they have a duty to [...]

August 10th file decision – ECHR solution

MEP Vlad Gheorghe announces he is going to notify the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) regarding the august 10 case decision. Gheorghe says he is extremely disappointed about the ruling taken by Bucharest Tribunal to class the file regarding the way the Gendarmerie intervened against Romanian citizens, while they were protesting peacefully. In a [...]

2021-10-15T09:08:24+00:00March 2nd, 2021|Activity, Rule of Law|0 Comments