After 3 flights, 2 trains, more than 5 hours of driving, the week of Renew/USR MEP Vlad Gheorghe finally ended. But it was all worth it! #EnviJustice
Brasov, 07 September, FOV – Forumul Oraselor Verzi – The Green Cities Forum
Due to the professionalism of air carriers (well-known to all of us), after 8 hours of intermodal traveling, Mr Gheorghe made it to Brasov train station.
The Romanian MEP was one of the speakers of the biggest environmental event in Romania, FOV – Forumul Oraselor Verzi – The Green Cities Forum. Alongside national and international activists, political figures, White House advisors & academics, he took the opportunity to advocate for his project: EU Green Prosecutor, one of the most essential tools to combat envi crimes. Having worked as jourist for 10 + years in large infrastructure settings, he understands well the direct link between corruption, environmental crimes and climate change.
To this day, there is no effective solution to cross-border environmental crimes. Europol points out that the losses of such offenses are worth between 70-213 billion USD per year. That’s why, MEP Gheorghe points out that:
“ [There is an] acute need for a mechanism that includes an extended mandate at EPPO, as well as enhanced environmental competencies for Europol, Eurojust and CEPOL “.
The Hague, 08 September – European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation
MEP Gheorghe left Brussels to join a mission to Eurojust in the Hague (Netherlands) alongside his colleagues from the European Parliament: Manders Antonius Santos Isabel, Toussaint Marie, Pietikäinen Sirpa, Wiezik Michal, Roose Caroline. The visit was entirely organized by MEP Vlad Gheorghe and his team.
Eurojust is the EU agency in charge of judicial cooperation in all criminal matters, including the ones concerning the environment. The presentation was informative and insightful. However, all actors involved agreed that there is a need to do more. Therefore, Mr Gheorghe discussed his proposal of creating an EU Green Prosecutor in order to facilitate Eurojust’s task to fight cross-borders illegal activities.
”Illegal forest cutting, illegal waste, air, water and soil pollution cost us enormously. Climate change is not only affecting our health. It is also increasing poverty, causing world hunger and endangering human life.”’, states Vlad Gheorghe.
Brussels, 08 September – Improving micro mobility in Romania
Together with Mayor of Bacau, Lucian Viziteu and Vice-Mayor of Brașov, Flavia Boghiu, MEP Vlad Gheorghe met with experts on micro mobility. Main priority: attract investment in infrastructure & interlink public transport & micro mobility in Romania.
MEP Gheorghe is always supporting Romanian local authorities in finding practical solutions for green transportation. In the end, this is important as it will improve the quality of life for Romanian citizens. Among other similar initiatives, he tries to find ways to move the green needle in as many communities as possible.
Lille, 09 September – Decathlon factory, Municipality & Metropole of Lille
USR is the only Romanian political party committed to environment protection. Green transportation has to be practical & motivating. Thus, enjoying the moody French weather and the heavy rain, Mr Gheorghe, Mr Viziteu and Ms Boghiu went to Lille, to meet private and public stakeholders in order to exchange views on the best practices.
During their visit in the Decathlon factory, they tried out the newest e-bikes. Don’t think it was all fun & games! The 3 politicians also discussed the future of green mobility and methods to encourage citizens to turn towards a more sustainable future.
Immediately after, the USR team met with Pierre Posmyk, Deputy for Biodiversity and Active Mobility and Sébastien Lepêtre, Vice President in charge of Mobility and Public Transport and Mayor of La Madeleine, part of the Lille Metropole. They talked about solutions for sustainable transport & debated on methods to foster micro mobility in towns.
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